Out of the eight values of free expression, I believe that stable change and protecting dissent are the most important. These two values go hand-in-hand with one another. Stable change is the theory that when people are allowed to speak their minds, they are likely to feel more heard and less likely to use violence as an answer. The citizens of the US should be able to freely speak their minds about political issues and complain about problems they find. This is better for individuals but also for the government. With stable change, the government is able to gauge the feelings of citizens and be cautious of warning signs that people may resort to violence or attacks.
The second value I find most important is to protect dissent. It is the speech theory that all opinions are protected, especially if it is in the minority. The theory states that every individual has the right and duty to disagree with the government. If everyone just went along with what the government said and the laws that they put in place, the US would no longer be a democracy. We would have a country of people all believing the same exact things, or going along with everything that the person in power says. Criticizing government is where our nation was born, fighting for the rights of the people over the government.
The value of free expression that most resonates with me is the marketplace of ideas or discovery of truth. This theory is the belief that when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely roam together, truth will always prevail. With the US becoming more and more politically polarized by the day and millions of people spreading 'facts' online to prove their beliefs, it is nearly impossible to find the truth. While the truth might not come right out and hit you in the face right away, over the years the truth will prevail. For example, years later we are finding out truths about Covid-19 and what really worked and what did not. The truth always prevails, but it can be hard to see the bigger picture in today's foggy political climate.
In my opinion the most prevalent theory today would have to be individual self-fulfillment or self-actualization. Through this theory, individuals are allowed to express themselves and create their own identity. The majority of the country today is all about autonomy. "You can't tell me what to do". I hear that phrase from all points on the political spectrum. Nobody wants to be told what to do, everyone wants to have their own beliefs, autonomy, and identity.
Citizens should be able to formulate their own beliefs and express those as they connect to their individual identity. Which is a belief that all eight values of free expression uphold. All of the theories are important and they could not exist without each other nor without the First Ammendment. I believe that it is immperative for every citizen of the US to know and understand their freedoms and know how to use them, otherwise they are useless.