Monday, February 5, 2024

EOTO - Technology and What I Learned

While listening to my peers present their technology topic, I learned about the origin and impact of different communication technologies. It was interesting to see how technology has changed and how quickly, even in the past fifty years, we have advanced with our technology. 

I learned that emoji is an actual Japanese word and not some made-up word and that the emoji keyboard was not introduced until 2011 and 2013 which I had thought was introduced much earlier in the 2000's. The vinyl record that is used today was invented in the 1930's and again I had believed this model to have been invented much earlier than the 1930's. I had also believed the World Wide Web was invented much sooner than 1994 which is only thirty years ago. 

Similarly, the name Instagram came from instant camera and telegram. Because it combines the idea of a photo with a message. 

I was taught that there is not 'one' inventor of the USB because of patenting issues. Multiple countries were attempting to get patents at the same time. So it is difficult to identify who the one true inventor of the USB was.

I was familiar with the concept of the telegraph but I had never wondered how it worked. I learned that it works by creating breaks in the electrical current using Morse code. Which uses a combination of short and long taps which correlated to a key of the alphabet to be later transferred. 

The name 'Bluetooth' came from King Herald, also known as Bluetooth because of his irregular tooth, who united Denmark and Norway. The inventors of Bluetooth used it to unite different technologies. The symbol for Bluetooth used today is a combination of the Nordic H and Nordic B (Herald Bluetooth). 

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My Relationship with Technology